Better Cotton revolutionises cotton sector with Traceability Solution

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, has today officially launched a first-of-its-kind traceability solution for the fashion and textile sectors. The solution has been developed over three years and will provide visibility of cotton’s journey through the supply chain by logging stakeholder input on the Better Cotton Platform. Alan McClay, Chief Executive Officer, Better […]


Better Cotton and Cotton Egypt Association inaugurate Renewed Strategic Partnership in Cairo

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, and Cotton Egypt Association (CEA), the organisation responsible for promoting and protecting Egyptian cotton worldwide, inaugurated the launch of their renewed strategic partnership at a multi-stakeholder event in Cairo on October 4, 2023. Uniting key stakeholders from across the cotton sector in Egypt and beyond, the event […]


Better Cotton & Cotton Egypt Association forge new strategic partnership in Egypt

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, and Cotton Egypt Association (CEA), the organisation responsible for promoting and protecting Egyptian cotton worldwide, have announced a new strategic partnership to expand the Better Cotton programme in Egypt. The programme was first launched in 2020 by the Egyptian Cotton Project, implemented by the United Nations Industrial […]