Why the global textile industry trusts the Sanitized® brand

Antiviral and antimicrobial protection for textiles and polymers — innovative, reliable and safe

Whenever polyester clothing is odor free, it is very often the case that Swiss company Sanitized is involved. And if people nowadays use masks to protect themselves against SARS CoV-2, Sanitized also had a hand in that. Sanitized AG is a pioneer in antimicrobial hygiene and protective function for textiles and polymers. It all began in the 1950s: The inner lining of heavily used shoes exuded a foul odor. It was prevented thanks to a specially developed additive that was used to treat the textile lining.

Swissness: Sanitized’s utmost commitment to quality.

This knowledge has been refined and consistently developed. Nowadays, it still forms the basis for the success of the Swiss company. The company is managed from its headquarters in Burgdorf, not far from the Swiss capital of Bern. Burgdorf is where the entire global distribution chain is managed, and research and development are conducted at the TecCenter. At our company, we make sure that we still work and act according to Swiss quality principles, even 85 years after the company’s founding. Textiles and polymers receive antimicrobial protection thanks to the use of the Sanitized® additives, thereby protecting them against bacterial growth and proliferation, which prevents unpleasant and undesired odors. In a new business division, antimicrobial protection is specifically offered for paints and coatings.

All the active ingredients that are used in the Sanitized® additives have official approvals, and the final products, i.e. the antimicrobial additives for polymers and textiles, undergo the most stringent inspections. Because we clearly act according to our premise: Preventing personal and environmental damage, conserving resources and selling products with the utmost reliability and durable antimicrobial protection. This is also why Sanitized is a bluesign® system partner since day one.

Containing SARS CoV-2 – Sanitized® additives provide active assistance

Helping to curb the coronavirus pandemic is currently a pressing issue at Sanitized. The anti-viral effectiveness of two important textile additives that have been proven for years has been certified by external, recognized institutes (based on ISO 18184:2019). The additive in question is Sanitized® T 11-15, a silver-based technology, and Sanitized® T99-19, which uses patented, silane-based technology. Both products are used for textile fibers to fight the spread of SARS CoV-2. These additives are suitable for providing anti-viral treatment to disposable masks, textiles for use in disposable clothes for care personnel, or as a disposable bed linen or for mattresses. Furthermore, surfaces can be protected against viral colonization with additional Sanitized® products for polymer coating.

For many years, the textile and polymer industry has been successfully applying the additives to keep bacteria and microbes from settling on products and to protect them against material damage and unpleasant odors. It has now officially been proven effective against viruses.

Sanitized AG has been supporting the work of hygienists in hospitals and doctor’s offices as well as nursing and care facilities for many years with its antimicrobial—and now also antiviral—additives used to treat textiles and polymers. The reduction of the bacteria, microbes and viruses is a feasible way to help stem the spread of infections—including MRSA. Nowadays, Sanitized receives inquiries for community masks and for masks for medical use from manufacturers in all regions of the world. The list of new customers is accordingly long.

Consulting also available for health claim questions for coronavirus protective masks

There is currently a great need to explain the use of health claims for community masks and other products that are intended to be launched to protect against Covid-19. Country-specific differences in testing processes and approval regulations cause frustration. To this day, there are regrettably no globally uniform guidelines for labeling treated items that protect against SARS CoV-2. Country-specific definitions are particularly on the agenda in Asia, which is why Sanitized’s customers very frequently use the expertise of in-house experts for regulatory matters. They value know-how that is always up to date.

We have summarized comprehensive information in special regulatory guides:

– Placing on the market of antiviral and antimicrobial treated textiles

– Placing on the market of antiviral and antimicrobial treated polymer articles

– Treatment of PSE (personal safety equipment) with biocide products

We have already answered a multitude of customer inquiries from all over the world. Expertise in regulations and, of course, analytics is in demand.

But, of course, the Sanitized regulatory experts are also available for questions related to “classic” products. Because in addition to curbing SARS CoV-2, odor prevention on textiles continues to be the company’s core competency.

Successful fight against permastink with award-winning Sanitized® technology

Even if anti-viral protection is a red-hot and important topic nowadays—including at Sanitized—another product segment continues to be the company’s core competency: Odor-management – Preventing odors on textiles.

Permastink, or permanent odor on polyester textiles, is a challenge that the entire textile industry faces. This applies to sports and leisure wear as well as to workwear that is heavily stressed. Even if the T-shirt or leotard is freshly washed, the sweat-like odor does not disappear. It is not caused by human sweat per se but rather by bacteria that decompose it. The result is what is known as permastink.

The innovative Sanitized® Odoractiv technology absorbs and neutralizes odors and is proven to prevent permastink. The proof is in the measurement of the odor molecules. This product is so effective, because it is a polyethylene glycol-based silane with anti-adhesive properties. This means: It stops bacteria from adhering to textile fibers—and the few that stick can easily be removed in a regular, domestic wash. It effectively prevents unpleasant odors.

The technology has won the Swiss Innovation Award and bears the bluesign® label. This is because it is currently the only biocide-free solution for odors on polyester textiles that is available on the market.

Product development: A partner of the textile industry

A t-shirt should not develop an odor, and this effect must be ensured for at least 40 wash cycles. These are the types of challenges that Sanitized’s experts face on a daily basis. And custom solutions are found for these exact challenges.

“Our developers always put themselves in the textile manufacturer’s position. The result is additives that are compatible with conventional carrier systems and additives, and the product properties are not changed by the treatment with Sanitized®,” explains Urs Stalder, CEO of Sanitized AG.

Because in addition to reliable antimicrobial—and antiviral—additives, textile manufacturers value precisely this comprehensive consulting expertise from the Sanitized team. It all starts with choosing the most suitable additive for achieving the customer’s desired protection goals. Is the goal to prevent odor formation? What type of washing resistance is needed? At what temperature is it washable? Which application techniques are used? Which other additives must the effect be combined with? An abundance of individual questions, with which the Sanitized® experts are happy to assist you with all their experience.

TecCenter according to the IAC standard – international comparability of test methods

The Sanitized TecCenter is an institution that is valued by customers for more than just products that protect against SARS CoV-2. Assistance with technical application aspects, microbiological tests and analytics are available here under one roof. The experts provide specific assistance in developing and optimizing customer products. Sanitized provides specific assistance with the textile manufacturer’s R&D work, particularly for the demanding challenge of developing the best possible odor-management for textiles. The Sanitized®TecCenter has been IAC-certified and is a designated International Antimicrobial Council Certified Laboratory. This ensures that the utilized test methods and results are internationally comparable.

Over 400 license partners: The Sanitized® brand offers powerful and valued differentiation.

Everyone knows from personal experience: There are brands that you trust. Others, not so much. Brands are not just a logo, but rather systems that heavily influence us all, knowingly and unknowingly, because brands deliver a promise about quality or a product.

And this is precisely what Sanitized® does. The company and its brand represent the best, safe and reliable antimicrobial protection. This commitment to quality, combined with our innovative force, has won over manufacturers of textile products and polymer items all over the world. As a result, they not only use the Sanitized® additive to give their end products antimicrobial protection, they also actively label their end products with the Sanitized® ingredient brand to have the customer at the POS see the blue Sanitized logo as an added product benefit. Over 400 brands around the world are Sanitized’s license partners and use the brand to set themselves apart on the market.

A presence in India

The Swiss core values of integrity and reliability are interconnected and yet present worldwide. And this also applies to Sanitized’s distribution network.

Consolidated Pathway and Archroma, two competent partners in India, have now become contacts for customers and interested parties.

A subsidiary, Sanitized Preservation AG with headquarters in Mumbai, specializes in the paint and coating market. The company offers special antimicrobial products and services for this sector, from in-can preservation to complete plant hygiene audits. Sanitized Preservation AG delivers the highest quality and innovative products for the ACES market (adhesives, coatings, elastomers & sealants).

Sustainability: Sanitized has what the market needs

The aforementioned product, Sanitized® Odoractiv, was very specifically tailored to the needs of the market: Odor-free polyester textiles, no permastink, biocide-free, dual-action, and including the bluesign® certificate.

Sanitized® Mintactiv protects cotton textiles from odor formation thanks to the natural biocidal effect of mint. Cotton textiles such as underwear, t-shirts and outer garments, as well as bed linen and hand towels are suitable for treatment with Sanitized® Mintactiv. This odor-free comfort can resist up to 50 domestic washes.

Wherever possible, new developments are designed so that resource-saving application technologies can be used in the textile and polymer processing industry. Furthermore, Sanitized® products are formulated so that they can be integrated into standard production processes. This saves on the use of additional special processing methods and makes an active contribution to energy savings and emissions reduction. Thanks to the Sanitized® hygiene function, the cleaning cycles can be extended, less frequent washes are needed, and the usage cycle is extended.

Here is what CEO Urs Stalder had to say when asked why customers choose Sanitized®: “Our innovative, effective antimicrobial and antiviral products are convincing. Sanitized customers benefit from extra services. We personally assist customers in hygiene and material protection, starting from the initial idea to implementation. Furthermore license partners appreciate our support in marketing issues.”

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